Core part comparison between TNS and Nomencurator

S: specimen
B: bibriography
N: nomenclatural
T: taxonomy dependent
TNS 0.3 B/N/S/T Nomencurator MkIII
Table name Attribute name Attribute name Class name
Names source ? ?
term N name of authority NameUsage Name
Language or type locale of authority NameUsage
ref_id authority
name_concept name_id usages
concept_id T
Concepts source_id ? ?
rank_id T rank NameUsage
ref_id Publication containing the appearance
Classifications concept_id1, 2 subject/object Annotation
RELA linkType
cid 1, 2 hierarchy of NameUsages
CX_description cid
description N/A
shortname N
ref_id B Publications indirectly pointed from NameUsages composing the hierarchy
Reference Publication
Authot Author
Rank N rank NameUsage
Language locale
RELA name T linkType Annotation
def N/A