TNS 0.3 (core relationship)

types are translated to SQL terms as possible
Table Attribute
name definition name definition type domain value
Author Record of a person author_idOIDINTEGERsystem given
Lastlast name of the personText-
Firstfirst name of the personText-
Affiliationaffiliation of the personTEXT-
Reference citaiton information ref_idOIDINTEGERsystem given
yearyear of publicationINTEGER-
citationtitle of the workTEXT-
Volumee.g. name of journalTEXT-
Nume.g. volume number of the journalINTEGER-
Issuee.g. issue of the volumeINTEGER-
shortRefshorthand for the referecneTEXT-
Names name of organism/concept uidunique ID of the nameINTEGERsystem given
termstring representing the nameTEXT-
ref_idpointer to a tuple in ReferenceOIDref_id
ParentOrgIDparent organizationINTEGEROrgID
LanguageLanguage codeTEXT-
typetype of name (not sensu type specimen/taxon); pointer to a tapule in name_types table TEXTname_types::code
source unspecifiedINTEGER-
steward unspecifiedINTEGER-
Concepts taxon concept concept_idunque identifier of the taxon conceptTEXT-
ref_idpointer to a referenceINTEGERref_id
rank_idpointer to a rankINTEGERrank::uid
Classifications relationship between two concepts cid1pointer to a classificationTEXTcid of CX_descriptions
concept_id1pointer to a conceptTEXTconcept_id
RELAtype of relationship betweeen two concpetsTEXT one of following codes:
Code Name Definition
RB Broader has a broader relationship.
CHD Child has child relationship in a Taxonomic Name Server source classification.
Ix Intersection When two classifications rejoin at a point further down the tree this attribute allows one to use the structure of the other.
IS_A Is a Similar to a parent/child relationship. Useful for parent/child-like relationships between different classifications when a term is concept during a revision.
RL Like the two concepts are similar or "alike". A number of the concepts linked by this relationship may be synonymous and will be in a single concept identifier in future editions of the Taxonomic Name Server.
RN Narrower has a narrower relationship.
RO Other related has relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader.
PAR Parent has parent relationship in a Taxonomic Name Server source vocabulary.
SIB Sibling has sibling relationship in a Taxonomic Name Server source vocabulary.
cid2pointer to a classificationTEXTcid of CX_descriptions
concept_id2pointer to a conceptTEXTconcept_id
CX_descriptoins description of a classification cidunique identifier of classificationTEXT-
root rank of root node of classification? TEXT-
shortnameshorthand for the classificationTEXT-
Ref or ref_idpointer to a tuple in ReferenceINTEGERref_id of Reference
descriptiondescription of classificationTEXT-
Names<> Link, or name_concept relationship between a name and a concept concept_idpointer to a cnceptTEXTconcept_id of Concepts
name_idpointer to a tuple in NamesINTEGERuid of Names
Rank list of ranks uidunique ID of a rankINTEGERsystem given
rank_namename of a rankTEXT-
Language list of languages lang_codelanguage codeTEXT-
termname of the languageTEXTMARC language code
RELA relationship type between concepts. See Classifications::RELA for valuse Code or rela_idacronym for the relationshipTEXT-
namename of the relationship typeTEXT-
defdefinition of the relationship typeTEXT-

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