Core part comparison between IOPI model and Nomencurator

B: bibliography
N: nomenclatural
T: taxonomy dependent
IOPI model B/N/T Nomencurator
Entity name Attribute name Attribute name Class name
N/A; IOPI does not require to construct a potentical taxon to give a status to another potential taxon, which is essential in Nomencurator to make an statement on other NameRecords T from Annotation
N/A appearance
Status Type Detail StatDetAbb linkType
Referenced Status Assignation StatDtl_Pt
PotTaxn_Pt to
Accept_Pt from or can be navigated from Annotaion/NameRecord network
Title_Pt B accessible via appearance
SystStatus N N/A
NmclSta_Pt captrued by either linkType, appearance or structure of Annotaion/NameRecord network which can be cached by additional attribute of ScientificName
Nomenclatural Status Designator NmclStatus
Potential Taxon Name classified T higher NameRecord
is higher taxon in classification lower
FullNam_Pt N accessible via Annotaion/NameRecord network
Plant Name OblgTax_Pt
BaExAut_Pt accessible as Author and Publication linked to nodes in Annotaion/NameRecord network
Homonym Flag, can be constracted by navigation over Annotaion/NameRecord network
Rank_No rank of NameRecrod delegated by authority ScientificName
NameElmnt name of NameRecrod delegated by authority
Reference Detail ItemDetail B appearance Appearance
PreciPgCit page
Title_Pt publication
Reference Title Publication
Preson Author

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