IOPI data model


Converted from IOPI Alphabetical List of Entities into HTML table

Primary key attributes (suffix _ID) are listed first
Foreign keys are recognized by a _Pt suffix (stands for pointer)
OID: object ID (LONG in Alphabetical List of Entities)
Entity Attributes
name name data element type semantics value range default value
Nomenclatural data strucutres
Plant Name FullNam_ID Potential Taxon Name Identifier OID system given
BaExAut_Pt Person Team Identifier OID - - -
BasiAut_Pt Reference Detail Identifier OID - - -
CoExAut_Pt Person Team Identifier OID - - -
CombRef_Pt Reference Detail Identifier OID - - -
HomnymFlag Homonym Flag BOOLEAN IOPI-GPC Data Definitions: Corresponds to data item 1.21. If there exists more than one record with the same name elememts (i.e. monomial, binomial or trinomial including rank designator) all these records are flagged as homonyms. Homonyms which do not have exactly the same name must be defined by way of an explicit homonym declaration. They are not flagged. Integrity: If a name record with homonym status is deleted, the flag has to be checked for the other records of the same name. - -
HybridQual Hybrid or Graft-Chimera Qualifier CHAR(3) IOPI-GPC Data Definitions: Includes data item 1.9 (intergeneric hybrids) and 1.11 (interspecific hybrids), because the rank of the hybrid is defined by the rank of the plant name.
  • 0 = Not a hybrid or graft chimera
  • x = Hybrid
  • + = Graft-chimera
  • (x)= Somatic hybrid obtained by parasexual process (Cultivated Code article 14)
(x), +, 0, x 0
MisWrnFlag Missapplication Warning Flag BOOLEAN IOPI-GPC Data Definitions: Corresponds to data item 1.20. If the flag is set, at least one potential taxon with the system status S (synonym) or L (sensu lato synonym) and the status detail SMA or LMA (misapplied name) exists. Integrity: If a potential taxon record with misapplied name status is deleted or changed to another status, the flag has to be reevaluated. - -
NameElmnt Name Element (Epithet, Generic or Other Taxon Monomial) CHAR(33) IOPI-GPC Data Definitions: Corresponds to data items 1.6, 1.7, 1.8, 1.10, 1.15. Contains botanical name (for ranks higher than species) or species epithet (for species) or infraspecific epithet (for infraspecies). - -
NameStruct Name Structure CHAR(1) Internal system use only, invisible to the user. A system-oriented data item, made necessary by the inclusion of hybrid formulas and unnamed taxa and helpful in the construction of binominals and trinominals from name elements.
  • M = Monomial (e.g. name of genus, family or order name)
  • B = Binomial (e.g. species)
  • T = Trinomial (infraspecies)
  • H = Hybrid formula
  • U = Unnamed taxon
B, H, M, T, U -
OblgTax_Pt Potential Taxon Name Identifier OID - - -
Rank_No Rank Identifier and Taxonomic Sequence Number INTEGER(2) A fixed value used by the system for the following purposes: (1) as primary key for the rank table to relate to other tables (2) as the sort key to taxonomic ranks (ID numbers are assigned according to the taxonomical hierarchie) (3) as an indicator, where the name contains rank-dependent elements (i.e. in the case of infraspecies, hybrids and aggregates). - -
UpdatBy_Pt User Identifier OID - - -
UpdateDate Last Date of Write-Access to Record DATE - - -
Name Rank Rank_ID Rank Identifier and Taxonomic Sequence Number INTEGER(2) A fixed value used by the system for the following purposes: (1) as primary key for the rank table to relate to other tables (2) as the sort key to taxonomic ranks (ID numbers are assigned according to the taxonomical hierarchie) (3) as an indicator, where the name contains rank-dependent elements (i.e. in the case of infraspecies, hybrids and aggregates). - -
RankAbbrev Rank Abbreviation CHAR(10) IOPI-GPC Data Definitions: Corresponds to data item 1.14 and also to 1.12, aggregate marker, because the system treats aggregates and microspecies as ranks just above and below species level. - -
RankName Rank Name CHAR(20) - - -
UpdatBy_Pt User Identifier OID - - -
UpdateDate Last Date of Write-Access to Record DATE - - -
Cultivar Name Cultivr_ID Cultivar Identifier OID system given
CultiPhrNm Cultivar Phrase Name CHAR(99) - - -
UpdatBy_Pt User Identifier OID - - -
UpdateDate Last Date of Write-Access to Record DATE - - -
Cultivar Group Name CvGroup_ID Cultivar Group Identifier OID system given
CvGroupNam Cultivar Group Name CHAR(99) - - -
UpdatBy_Pt User Identifier OID - - -
UpdateDate Last Date of Write-Access to Record DATE - - -
Plant Name Emendavit Reference EmendCt_ID Plant Name "emend." Citation Association Identifier OID system given
EmRefer_Pt Reference Detail Identifier OID - - -
EmTaxon_Pt Potential Taxon Name Identifier OID - - -
UpdatBy_Pt User Identifier OID - - -
UpdateDate Last Date of Write-Access to Record DATE - - -
Plant Name Sanctioning Reference Intersection SancRef_ID Plant Name Sanctioning Reference Intersection Identifier OID system given
BaScRef_Pt Reference Detail Identifier OID - - -
CoScRef_Pt Reference Detail Identifier OID - - -
SancNam_Pt Potential Taxon Name Identifier OID - - -
UpdatBy_Pt User Identifier OID - - -
UpdateDate Last Date of Write-Access to Record DATE - - -
Author of Plant Name AbbreDraft Person Abbreviation According to Halliday & al. 1980 CHAR(30) - - -
AbbreRecom Person Abbreviation Recommended Form (Brummitt & Powell 1992) CHAR(20) IOPI-GPC Data Definitions: Corresponds to data item 3.3. - -
AbbreTL2 Person Abbreviation According to Stafleu & Cowan 1976 & seq. CHAR(20) - - -
AbbreUser Person User Defined Abbreviation CHAR(30) A non-standard author abbreviation catalogue specific to the repective institution housing the database. - -
Dates Person Flourished CHAR(23) This field may contain the lifespan of the respective person or, if this is unknown, the time range in which the person is known to have worked. Integrity: Input may have only the following forms: "dd-mm-yyyy - dd-mm-yyyy" for lifespan, "dd-mm-yyyy -" or "- ddmm-yyyy" if only one of the two dates of the lifespan is known, "yyyy" or "yyyy - yyyy" if only a year or range of years in which the person has worked is known. - -
IsClctrFlg Person Is Collector Flag BOOLEAN - - -
IsTaxstFlg Person Is Taxonomist Flag BOOLEAN - - -
TaxGroups Person Main Taxonomic Groups Interested In CHAR(11) - - -
Taxon data strucutres
Potential Taxon Name PotTax_ID Potential Taxon Name Identifier OID system given
Basio_Pt Potential Taxon Name Identifier OID - - -
FullNam_Pt Potential Taxon Name Identifier OID - - -
SystSequNo Potential Taxon Systematic Sequence Number OID - - -
UpdatBy_Pt User Identifier OID - - -
UpdateDate Last Date of Write-Access to Record DATE - - -
Attachment to Potential Taxon Name PtAttch_ID Attachment to Potential Taxon Name Identifier OID - - -
PotTaxn_Pt Potential Taxon Name Identifier OID - - -
RefDetl_Pt Reference Detail Identifier OID - - -
Classification Intersection ClaISec_ID Classification Intersection Identifier OID - - -
UpdatBy_Pt User Identifier OID - - -
UpdateDate Last Date of Write-Access to Record DATE - - -
Hybrid Formula Hybform_ID Hybrid Formula Identifier OID - - -
HybIsNm_Pt Potential Taxon Name Identifier OID - - -
Parent1_Pt Potential Taxon Name Identifier OID - - -
Parent2_Pt Potential Taxon Name Identifier OID - - -
UpdatBy_Pt User Identifier OID - - -
UpdateDate Last Date of Write-Access to Record DATE - - -
Unnamed Taxon UnnTaxn_ID Unnamed Taxon Identifier OID - - -
UndfNmPart Undefined "Phrase" Part of Unnamed Taxon "Phrase" Name CHAR(79) - - -
UpdatBy_Pt User Identifier OID - - -
UpdateDate Last Date of Write-Access to Record DATE - - -
Statement data strucutres
Status Type Detail StatDtl_ID Status Type Detail Identifier OID - - -
StatDetAbb Status Type Detail Abbreviation CHAR(3) - - -
StatDetDes Status Type Detail Description CHAR(25) - - -
UpdatBy_Pt User Identifier OID - - -
UpdateDate Last Date of Write-Access to Record DATE - - -
Homonym Assignment HoAsgn_ID Homonym Assignment Identifier OID - - -
HomType_Pt Homonym Assignment Type Identifier OID - - -
Homonym_Pt Potential Taxon Name Identifier OID - - -
PotTaxn_Pt Potential Taxon Name Identifier OID - - -
UpdatBy_Pt Person Identifier OID - - -
UpdateDate Last Date of Write-Access to Record DATE - - -
Homonym Assignment Type HomType_ID Homonym Assignment Type Identifier OID - - -
HomonmType Homonym "non"-Relationship Assignment Type CHAR(10) - - -
UpdatBy_Pt Person Identifier OID - - -
UpdateDate Last Date of Write-Access to Record DATE - - -
Nomenclatural Status Designator NmclSta_ID Nomenclatural Status Designator Identifier OID - - -
NmclStatus Nomenclatural Status CHAR(16) - - -
UpdatBy_Pt Person Identifier OID - - -
UpdateDate Last Date of Write-Access to Record DATE - - -
Referenced Status Assignation RefStat_ID Referenced Status and Taxon Circumscription Identifier OID - - -
Accept_Pt Potential Taxon Name Identifier OID - - -
NmclSta_Pt Nomenclatural Status Designator Identifier OID - - -
PotTaxn_Pt Potential Taxon Name Identifier OID - - -
StatDtl_Pt Status Type Detail Identifier OID - - -
SystStatus System - Oriented Status of Potential Taxon Record CHAR(1) IOPI-GPC Data Definitions: Corresponds to data item 1.3 (in part). Status attribute values have been defined according to how the system is to handle the record. Nomenclatural and taxonomic details are handled by the "Status Type Detail" attribute in the entity of the same name and by the entity "Nomeclatural Status". Allowed values: A = Name is an accepted taxon name. V = Name is a either a variant of another name or a rejected name for which another name must be used (i.e., the correct name must be provided, but that name does not have to be a an accepted name). U = Name does not refer to a taxon, or status reference does not provide a taxon link (i.e., name is neither "A" nor "V" nor "S" nor "L"). S = Name is not accepted according to the status reference (i.e., the provided single accepted name should be used instead of this name). L = Same as "S", but "sensu lato", i.e. at least two accepted names have to be provided. I = Identical concepts. Potential taxon has the same name and concept as another potential taxon (or the few characters given for the first one do not express another concept than that of the second potential taxon). Both circumscription references can be cited with the potential taxon. A, I, L, S, U, V A
TentatFlag Status Tentative Flag BOOLEAN IOPI-GPC Data Definitions: Includes dataitem 1.22, "Doubtful Synonym Flag". - -
Title_Pt Reference Title Identifier OID - - -
UpdatBy_Pt User Identifier OID - - -
UpdateDate Last Date of Write-Access to Record DATE - - -
s.l. Status / Accepted Names Association SLSANIs_ID s.l. Synonym / Accepted Names Intersection Identifier OID - - -
PpAccNm_Pt Potential Taxon Name Identifier OID - - -
RefStat_Pt Referenced Status and Taxon Circumscription Identifier OID - - -
UpdatBy_Pt User Identifier OID - - -
UpdateDate Last Date of Write-Access to Record DATE - - -
Bibliographic data strucutres
Book Directory Book_ID Book Identifier LONG - - -
BkAbbrTitl Book (Monograph) Abbreviated Title CHAR(99) E.g. title abbreviations for name citations according to TL-2 (Stafleu & Cowan, 1976-1988). - -
BkFulTitle Book Full Title CHAR(99) IOPI-GPC Data Definitions: Corresponds to data item 2.4 (in part). - -
BkTotPages Book Total Number of Pages CHAR(25) May also include values like "i-ix, 1-299, 5 plates". - -
BookEdNo Book Edition No. CHAR(30) - - -
ISBN ISBN Number - - - -
PubliTown Publication Town,State and Country CHAR(79) IOPI-GPC Data Definitions: Corresponds to data item 2.12 (in part). - -
Publisher Publication Publisher CHAR(100) IOPI-GPC Data Definitions: Corresponds to data item 2.12 (in part). - -
ThesisFlag Book - is - Thesis Flag BOOLEAN - - -
UpdatBy_Pt User Identifier LONG - - -
UpdateDate Last Date of Write-Access to Record DATE - - -
Book Reference Detail BkDetai_ID Book Reference Detail Identifier LONG - - -
BkVolume Book Reference Detail Volume CHAR(7) IOPI-GPC Data Definitions: Corresponds in part to data item 2.6. Volume refers to the book itself, i.e. not to a series title (see entites "Publication Series" and "Series Detail" - -
Book_Pt Book Identifier LONG - - -
UpdatBy_Pt User Identifier LONG - - -
UpdateDate Last Date of Write-Access to Record DATE - - -
Informal Reference InfmRef_ID Informal Reference Identifier LONG - - -
AddDescr Informal Reference Additional Description CHAR(80) This field can be used discuss the informal reference to justify or qualify its use. In case of an "in sched." reference, the herbarium specimen label information may here be cited in detail. - -
InfRefDate Informal Reference Date DATE Date on which personal communication took place or the date of the letter or document used as a reference. - -
InfRefStor Informal Reference Deposited at CHAR(80) Place where the informal reference has been deposited. In case of letters, notes and other documents this may be an archive. In case of herbarium labels ("in sched." - type), a herbarium should be cited. - -
InfRefType Informal Reference Type CHAR(12) A short description or latin abbreviation of the type of informal reference. e.g. in adnot., in litt., in sched., pers. comm. -
UpdatBy_Pt User Identifier LONG - - -
UpdateDate Last Date of Write-Access to Record DATE - - -
Periodical Detail PeDetai_ID Periodical Reference Detail Identifier LONG - - -
PeriNumber Periodical Number CHAR(5) IOPI-GPC Data Definitions: Corresponds to data item 2.6 (in part). - -
PeriVolume Periodical Volume CHAR(5) IOPI-GPC Data Definitions: Corresponds to data item 2.6 (in part). - -
Periodi_Pt Periodical Identifier LONG - - -
UpdatBy_Pt User Identifier LONG - - -
UpdateDate Last Date of Write-Access to Record DATE - - -
Periodical Directory Periodi_ID Periodical Identifier LONG - - -
Acceptd_Pt Periodical Identifier LONG - - -
ISSN ISSN Number - - - -
PAbbrTitle Periodical Abbreviated Title CHAR(130) IOPI-GPC Data Definitions: Corresponds to data item 2.5. Wherever possible, periodical abbreviations are used according to Bridson & Smith (1991). - -
PFullTitle Periodical Full Title CHAR(254) - - -
PSeries Periodical Series CHAR(100) In citations this item must be treated as part of the title. Numbering and abbreviation always refer to title including series. Note: This data item does not refer to Publication Series. - -
Preceed_Pt Periodical Identifier OID - - -
PubliTown Periodical Publication Town, State and Country CHAR(125) - - -
Publisher Periodical Publisher CHAR(60) - - -
Supersd_Pt Periodical Identifier OID - - -
UpdatBy_Pt User Identifier OID - - -
UpdateDate Last Date of Write-Access to Record DATE - - -
Series Title SerTitl_ID Publication Series Title Identifier OID - - -
SeriesEdtr Publication Series Editor - - - -
SeriesTitl Publication Series Title CHAR(99) N.B.: This is not the title of a periodical. - -
UpdatBy_Pt User Identifier OID - - -
UpdateDate Last Date of Write-Access to Record DATE - - -
Series Detail SerDetl_ID Publication Series Detail Identifier OID - - -
SerTitl_Pt Publication Series Title Identifier OID - - -
SeriesDt Publication Series Detail CHAR(100) Number or other designator referring to the series (not periodical) the publication belongs to. Integrity: Field PublSer_Pt must be > 0 Input integrity: No input allowed while PublSer_Pt = 0 (i.e., series name must be chosen before detail). - -
UpdatBy_Pt User Identifier OID - - -
UpdateDate Last Date of Write-Access to Record DATE - - -
Reference Title Title_ID Reference Title Identifier OID - - -
AutRole_Pt Reference Role of Author(s) Identifier OID - - -
AutTeam_Pt Person Team Identifier OID - - -
BkDetai_Pt Book Reference Detail Identifier OID - - -
DbDetai_Pt Database Reference Detail Identifier OID - - -
InTitle_Pt Reference Title Identifier OID - - -
InfmRef_Pt Informal Reference Identifier OID - - -
IsNotPaper Reference Title Is Not Paper Flag BOOLEAN - - -
OrCitation Reference Title Original Citation CHAR(250) The title citation as provided by the original source of information (not atomized) - -
PageRange Reference Page Range for Title CHAR(13) IOPI-GPC Data Definitions: Corresponds to data item 2.7. Can be the page range within a composite work or within a periodical. Integrity: See data element "Reference Title Type of Reference". - -
PeDetai_Pt Periodical Reference Detail Identifier OID - - -
PublicDate Reference Title Publication Date - The actual date of publication as needed to determine nomeclatural priority. - -
PublicType Reference Title Type of Reference CHAR(2) This attribute is used to establish the relation to the respective details of the titles reference citation and to determine the layout of input forms. Maps and plans are normally treated like books if they are published, and as informal references if not. Pamphlets are treated as books. See integrity. AP, BK, DB, IN, IR, NA -
PublicYear Reference Publication Year INTEGER(4) IOPI-GPC Data Definitions: Corresponds to data item 4.3. The year of publication as given by the publication itself. Integrity: Must be a 4-digit number, maximum value is current year +1. - -
SerDetl_Pt Publication Series Detail Identifier OID - - -
Title Reference Title CHAR(160) IOPI-GPC Data Definitions: Corresponds to data item 2.4 (in part). - -
UnpublFlag Reference Unpublished Flag BOOLEAN - - -
UpdatBy_Pt User Identifier OID - - -
UpdateDate Last Date of Write-Access to Record DATE - - -
Reference Detail RefDetl_ID Reference Detail Identifier OID - - -
ItemDetail Reference Detail Item Designator CHAR(30) Used to further specify an illustration, figure, table, map etc. or even a location within a figure (grid square of map, part of illustration). Must either refer to a numbered item, or be used in combination with a precise page citation. e.g. plate 1, map 22 grid a15, fig. 10b -
PreciPgCit Reference Precise Page Citation CHAR(30) IOPI-GPC Data Definitions: Corresponds to data item 2.8. Used, for exaple, for the citation of a protologue or to cite the page of an illustration. - -
Title_Pt Reference Title Identifier OID - - -
UpdatBy_Pt User Identifier OID - - -
UpdateDate Last Date of Write-Access to Record DATE - - -
Database directory Databas_IDDatabas_ID Database Identifier OID - - -
DatabShNam Database Short Name CHAR(10) IOPI-GPC Data Definitions: Corresponds to data item 2.9. - -
DatabasNam Database Name CHAR(250) IOPI-GPC Data Definitions: Corresponds to data item 2.4 (in part). - -
DatabasPub Publication Publisher CHAR(100) IOPI-GPC Data Definitions: Corresponds to data item 2.12 (in part). - -
PubliTown Publication Town,State and Country CHAR(79) IOPI-GPC Data Definitions: Corresponds to data item 2.12 (in part). - -
UpdatBy_Pt User Identifier OID - - -
UpdateDate Last Date of Write-Access to Record DATE - - -
Database Reference Detail DBDetai_ID Database Reference Detail Identifier OID - - -
DBEditioNr Database Edition Number CHAR(10) IOPI-GPC Data Definitions: Corresponds in part to data item 2.6. - -
DBExptDate Database Export Date DATE IOPI-GPC Data Definitions: Corresponds to data item 2.11. - -
DBPtOrFile Database Part or File CHAR(10) IOPI-GPC Data Definitions: Corresponds to data item 2.10. - -
Databas_Pt Database Identifier OID - - -
UpdatBy_Pt User Identifier OID - - -
UpdateDate Last Date of Write-Access to Record DATE - - -
Persion and affiliation related data strucutres
Person Person_ID Person Identifier OID - - -
Accept_Pt Person Identifier OID - - -
FirstAPrfx Person First Names and Prefix CHAR(150) Comment: Unabreviated first names and name prefix(es) like "d'", "von", etc. - -
InitsAPrfx Person Initials and Prefix CHAR(15) IOPI-GPC Data Definitions: Corresponds to data item 3.2 (as proposed for version 6 of the Data Definition Document, 3.1 in part as to version 5.1). - -
LastNames Person Last Name CHAR(100) IOPI-GPC Data Definitions: Corresponds to data item 3.1 (as proposed for version 6 of the Data Definition Document, 3.1 in part as to version 5.1>. - -
Title Person Title CHAR(10) - - -
UpdatBy_Pt User Identifier OID - - -
UpdateDate Last Date of Write-Access to Record DATE - - -
Person - Institutional Affiliation History PInstCu_ID Person - Institutional Affiliation Intersection Identifier OID - - -
Instit_Pt Institution Identifier OID - - -
Person_Pt Person OID - - -
TimePeriod Person - Institutional Affiliation, Time Period at Institution CHAR(N) IOPI-GPC Data Definitions: Corresponds to data item 3.5 (new data item proposed for version 6 of the Data Definition Document>. - -
UpdatBy_Pt User Identifier OID - - -
UpdateDate Last Date of Write-Access to Record DATE - - -
Person Team PerTeam_ID Person Team Identifier OID - - -
TeamDescrp Person Team Description of Group CHAR() - - -
UpdatBy_Pt User Identifier OID - - -
UpdateDate Last Date of Write-Access to Record DATE - - -
Person Team Membership List PTMList_ID Person Team Membership List Entry Identifier OID - - -
PerTeam_Pt Person Team Identifier OID - - -
Person_Pt Person Identifier OID - - -
Seniority Person Team Sequence Number of Person INTEGER(2) IOPI-GPC Data Definitions: Corresponds to data item 3.7 (new data item proposed for version 6 of the Data Definition document). Internal system use only, not directly visible to the user. Determines the position from the left in which a person is cited in a team character string. - -
UpdatBy_Pt User Identifier OID - - -
UpdateDate Last Date of Write-Access to Record DATE - - -
Role of Author(s) AutRole_ID Reference Role of Author(s) Identifier OID - - -
AuthorRole Reference Role of Author(s) CHAR(30) - Compiler, Compiler, Ed., Ed., Editor, Editor, Editores, Editors, Eds., Herausgeber, Herausgeber, ed., editor, editores, editors, eds. -
UpdatBy_Pt User Identifier OID - - -
UpdateDate Last Date of Write-Access to Record DATE - - -
Botanical Institution (Herb. or Bot. Garden) Institu_ID Institution Identifier OID - - -
Address_Pt Postal Address Identifier OID - - -
InstAbbrev Institution Abbreviation (Holmgren & al. 1990, Heywood & al. 1990) CHAR(5) IOPI-GPC Data Definitions: Corresponds to data item 3.4 (proposed for version 6, data item no. 3.3 in v. 5.1). - -
InstitName Institution Name CHAR(99) Full official name of the institution or company. - -
InstitTown Institution Town CHAR(44) - - -
UpdatBy_Pt User Identifier OID - - -
UpdateDate Last Date of Write-Access to Record DATE - - -
Postal Address Address_ID Postal Address Identifier OID - - -
Code Postal Address Code CHAR(12) - - -
Country Postal Address Country CHAR(18) - - -
Line1 Postal Address Line CHAR(50) - - -
Line2 Postal Address Line CHAR(50) - - -
Line3 Postal Address Line CHAR(50) - - -
Town Postal Address Town CHAR(35) - - -
UpdatBy_Pt Person Identifier OID - - -
UpdateDate Last Date of Write-Access to Record DATE - - -
Geographic data strucutres
Geographical record GeogRec_ID Geographical Record Identifier OID - - -
Dataset_Pt Geographical Dataset Identifier OID - - -
GlobDis_Pt Global Distribution Summary Identifier OID - - -
IncName_Pt Full Botanical Name Identifier OID - - -
IncRecStrg Geographic Distribution Complete Concatenated Phrase MEMO - - -
PrimSrc_Pt Reference Title Identifier OID - - -
UpdatBy_Pt Person Identifier OID - - -
UpdateDate Last Date of Write-Access to Record DATE - - -
Geographical area record GeoArea_ID Geographical Area Record Identifier OID - - -
IncAreaName Geographical Area Record Incoming Area Name CHAR() - - -
IncOccStat Geographical Area Record Incoming Occurrence Status CHAR() - - -
POSSCod_Pt POSS Plant Occurrence Status Standard Identifier OID - - -
StADrBy_Pt Reference Title Identifier OID - - -
StADrFlag Geographical Area Record Standard Area Derived Flag BOOLEAN - - -
StArea_ID Gazetteer: TDWG Standard Geographic Unit Identifier OID - - -
StODrBy_Pt Reference Title Identifier OID - - -
StODrFlag Geographical Area Record Standard Occurrence Derived Flag BOOLEAN - - -
UpdatBy_Pt Person Identifier OID - - -
UpdateDate Last Date of Write-Access to Record DATE - - -
Geographical dataset Dataset_ID Geographical Dataset Identifier OID - - -
AreaStndrd Geographical Dataset Area Standard Used CHAR() - - -
OccrStndrd Geographical Dataset Occurrence Standard Used CHAR() - - -
Source_Pt Reference Title Identifier OID - - -
UpdatBy_Pt Person Identifier OID - - -
UpdateDate Last Date of Write-Access to Record DATE - - -
Global Distribution Summary GlobDis_ID Global Distribution Summary Identifier OID - - -
GlContOcc Global Distribution Summary Occurrence in Standardized Continents CHAR(8) IOPI-GPC Data Definitions: Corresponds to data item 6.1. - -
GlDDerFlag Global Distribution Summary Derived Flag - - - -
GlDDrBy_Pt Reference Title Identifier OID - - -
GlDiOKFlag Global Distribution Completeness Flag BOOLEAN IOPI-GPC Data Definitions: Corresponds to data item 6.4. - 0
GlIntDistr Global Introduced / Cultivated Distribution Summary Phrase CHAR(79) IOPI-GPC Data Definitions: Corresponds to data item 6.3. - -
GlNatDistr Global Natural Distribution Summary Phrase CHAR(80) IOPI-GPC Data Definitions: Corresponds to data item 6.2. - -
InGlDisPhr Global Distribution Incoming Distribution Phrase TEXT( 99) - - -
UpdatBy_Pt User Identifier OID - - -
UpdateDate Last Date of Write-Access to Record DATE - - -
Gazetteer: TDWG Standard Area StArea_ID Gazetteer: TDWG Standard Geographic Unit Identifier OID - - -
AltitudMax Gazetteer: Area Highest Point Elevation in m INTEGER(4) - -8000 < x < 8000 -
AltitudMin Gazetteer: Area Lowest Point Elevation in m INTEGER(4) - -8000 < x < 8000 -
FromDate Gazetteer: Area Validity Starting Date DATE - - -
HigherA_Pt Gazetteer: TDWG Standard Geographic Unit Identifier OID - - -
ISOCCod_Pt ISO Political Country Code CHAR(2) IOPI-GPC Data Definitions: Corresponds to data item 5.3 (in part). - -
StAreaAbbr Gazetteer: TDWG Standard Geographic Unit Abbreviation CHAR(6) - - -
StAreaName Gazetteer: TDWG Standard Geographic Unit Name CHAR(75) - - -
StAreaRank Gazetteer: TDWG Standard Geographic Unit Rank INTEGER(1) 1 = Kontinent, 2 = Region, 3 = Botanical country, 4 = Basic recording unit. 1,2,3,4 -
StVersion Gazetteer: TDWG Geographical Area Standard Version - - - -
UntilDate Gazetteer: Area Validity Ending Date DATE - - -
UpdatBy_Pt User Identifier OID - - -
UpdateDate Last Date of Write-Access to Record DATE - - -
POSS Standard Plant Occurrence Status POSSCod_ID POSS Plant Occurrence Status Standard Identifier OID - - -
CultivStat POSS Cultivated Status CHAR(1) IOPI-GPS Data Definitions: Corresponds to data item 5.7 (in part). POSS Plant Occurrence and Status Scheme version 1.00: Cultivated status. Allowed values:
  • C = Cultivated
  • S = Assumed to be cultivated
  • D = Doubtfully cultivated
  • E = Formerly cultivated (Extinct)
  • A = Not cultivated
  • F = Recorded as cultivated in error
  • - = No information
  • U = None of the above
  • X = Not applicable
-, A, C, D, E, F, S, U -
IntrodAgen POSS Introduction Agency CHAR(1) IOPI-GPS Data Definitions: Data item 5.7 (in part). POSS Plant Occurrence and Status Scheme version 1.00: Introduction agency. Allowed values:
  • M = Introduced by man
  • N = Introduced by natural means
  • - = No information
  • U = None of the above
  • X = Not applicaple because field Introduced Status has value "Not introduced" or "No information"
-, M, N, X -
IntrodStat POSS Introduced Status CHAR(1) IOPI-GPS Data Definitions: Corresponds to data item 5.7 (in part). POSS Plant Occurrence and Status Scheme version 1.00 introduced status. Allowed values:
  • I = Introduced
  • S = Assumed to be introduced
  • D = Doubtfully introduced
  • E = Formerly introduced (Extinct)
  • A = Not introduced
  • F = Recorded as introduced in error
  • - = No information
  • U = None of the above
  • X = Not applicaple
-, A, D, E, F, I, S, U -
NativeStat POSS Native Status CHAR(1) IOPI-GPS Data Definitions: Corresponds to data item 5.7 (in part). POSS Plant Occurrence and Status Scheme version 1.00 Native Status. Allowed values:
  • N = Native
  • S = Assumed to be native
  • D = Doubtfully native
  • E = Formerly native (Extinct)
  • A = Not native
  • F = Recorded as native in error
  • - = No information
  • U = None of the above
  • X = Not applicaple
-, A, D, E, F, N, S, U -
Occurrenc POSS Occurrence Information CHAR(1) POSS version 1.0, Data Item 1: Occurrence. Allowed values:
  • P = Present
  • S = Assumed present
  • D = Doubt over presence
  • E = Extinct
  • F = Recorded as present in error
  • A = Absent
  • - = No information
-, D, E, F, P, S -
POSSVersn POSS Standard Plant Occurrence Status Version - - - -
UpdatBy_Pt User Identifier OID - - -
UpdateDate Last Date of Write-Access to Record DATE - - -
Controll data strucutres
Taxonomic Co-ordination and Preference TaxCoHi_ID Taxonomic Coordination History Identifier OID - - -
Completion Taxonomic Coordination Completion Date DATE IOPI-GPC Data Definitions: Corresponds to dataitem 1.27. - -
Priority Taxonomic Coordination and Preference Priority - - - -
Title_Pt Reference Title Identifier OID - - -
UpdatBy_Pt User Identifier OID - - -
UpdateDate Last Date of Write-Access to Record DATE - - -
Reference to type information TypeRef_ID Type Reference Identifier OID Internal system use only, invisible to the user. - -
PotTaxn_Pt Potential Taxon Name Identifier OID - - -
TypeInfo Type information CHAR(250) - - -
UpdatBy_Pt User Identifier OID - - -
UpdateDate Last Date of Write-Access to Record DATE - - -
Miscellaneous data strucutres
Comment Comment_ID Comment Identifier OID - - -
CommDate Comment Creation Date DATE IOPI-GPC Data Definitions: Corresponds to data item 4.5. - -
CommLoText Comment Long Text MEMO - - -
CommRef_Pt Reference Detail Identifier OID - - -
CommShText Comment Short Text CHAR(79) IOPI-GPC Data Definitions: Corresponds to data item 4.2. - -
UpdatBy_Pt User Identifier OID - - -
UpdateDate Last Date of Write-Access to Record DATE - - -
Indirectly Linked Plant Information ILnkInf_ID Indirectly Linked Plant Information Identifier OID - - -