Affiliation en Affiliation, i.e. a relationship between an Author and an Institution with auxiliary data
Affiliation _author en reference to an Author as an object ID
Affiliation author en reference to an Author as a persisntetID
Affiliation dateFrom en date when the Author affiliated to the Institution
Affiliation dateTo en date when the Author left the institution
Affiliation institute en reference to an Institution
Affiliation notes en any additional notes
Annotation en Annotation on other name usages, e.g. this name usage annotates these previous name usages as sysnonym of the usage
Annotation _appearance en reference to an Appearance as an object ID where this Annotatation asserted
Annotation _objectID en object ID of this Annotation as reference to NamedObject table
Annotation appearance en reference to an Appearance as an object ID where this Annotatation asserted
Annotation explicit en true if this Annotation was stated in a publication explicitly
Annotation linkType en type of Annotation, e.g. synonym, as reference to linkType table
Annotation path en ID of the synthetic path, i.e. path not retained by Annotation between referrer and referrant NameUsages
Annotation persistentID en persistent ID of this Annotation as reference to NamedObject table
Appearance en retains how name usages and annotations appeared in a publication
Appearance _objectID en object ID of the Appearance as reference to NamedObject table
Appearance appearance en verbatim record of how names appeared on the page
Appearance lines en line numbers at start and end of the name appearance; multiple column style could be distinguished by suffixes L, R, a, b, c
Appearance page en page in the publication where name usage(s) appeared at first time
Appearance persistentID en persistent ID of the Appearance as reference to NamedObject table
Appearance _publication en reference to the Publication as an object ID where names and annotations appeared
Appearance publication en reference to the Publication as a persistent ID where names and annotations appeared
AscribedName en ascribed name with its originating name usage
AscribedName authority en reference to the NameUsage as a persistent ID originated the ascribed name
AscribedName ascribedLiteral en ascribed name itself
AscribedName _authority en reference to the NameUsage as an object ID originated the ascribed name
Author en list of authors
Author _objectID en object ID of this Author as reference to NamedObject
Author birth en date of birth, if known
Author death en date of death, if known
Author foreName en first name of the author
Author middleNames en names of the author between surname and first name but prefix to surname
Author persistentID en persistent ID of this Author as reference to NamedObject
Author surname en surname of the author
Author surnamePrefix en prefix to surname, e.g. van, von.
Author epithet en postfix of surname, e.g. Jr., Sen.
Author title en title of the author e.g. Sir. Ordinary titles such as Dr., Ms., etc. are beyond scope, but might be useful for mailing purpose
ISBN en cross reference between Publication and ISBN
ISBN _publication en reference to Publication as object ID
ISBN isxn en ISBN of the publication
ISBN publication en reference to Publication as persistentID
ISSN en cross reference between Publication and ISSN
ISSN _publication en reference to Publication as object ID
ISSN isxn en ISSN of the publication
ISSN publication en reference to Publication as persistentID
Institution en list of institutions
Institution ID en ID number of the institution, unnecessary to be exportable to other databases
Institution address en address of the institution
Institution dateFrom en date when the institution is established, or moved to the address
Institution dateTo en date when the institution re-organised, quitted or moved from the address
Institution divisionOf en ID number of the higher institution
Institution name en name of the institution
Institution notes en any notes on the institution
Locales en list of locales
Locales language en name of language, e.g. English
Locales localeName en name of an extended locale, e.g. en, ICZN
Locales region en name of region where this locale is used/applied, e.g. GB
Locales variant en variant name of the locale
NameUsage en record of usage of names appeared in publications
NameUsage _higherTaxon en reference to the NameUsage representing the higher taxon as obejct ID
NameUsage _objectID en object ID of the NameUsage as reference to NamedObject
NameUsage _sensu en reference to the NameUsage of the name used, as an object ID. It points to the NameUsage itself if the original usage
NameUsage _appearance en reference to the Appearance where this name usage appeared as object ID
NameUsage ascribedName en the name used to designate the taxon concept
NameUsage higherTaxon en reference to the NameUsage representing the higher taxon as persistentID
NameUsage incertaeSedis en true if assignment of the taxon is uncertain
NameUsage locale en language to which the name belongs to, either one of Codes for scientific names or natural languages for vernacular names
NameUsage persistentID en persistent ID of the NameUsage
NameUsage _rank en reference to rank of the name usage if it is given
NameUsage sensu en reference to the NameUsage of the name used, as an persistent ID. It points to the NameUsage itself if the original usage
NameUsage sequence en sequence number representing position of the NameUsage in lower taxa list of the higher NameUsage
NameUsage type en true if the NameUsage represents type taxon of the higher NameUsage
NameUsage typeOfType en type of typeness, e.g. holotype
NameUsage rank en name of the rank, if given
NameUsage appearance en reference to the Appearance where this name usage appeared as persistent ID
NameUsageNode _objectID en object ID of the NameUsage as reference to NamedObject
NameUsageNode persistentID en persistent ID of the NameUsage
NameUsageNode en proxy of NameUsage to enable efficient back and forth navigation; implementation detail depends on DBMS, may be implemented as a view
NameUsageNode _referrant en Objet ID reference to the NameUsage referred to by he referrer
NameUsageNode _referrer en Objet ID reference to the NameUsage referring to the referrant
NameUsageNode linkType en type of reference, e.g. synonymy
NameUsageNode path en ID of the synthetic path, i.e. path not retained by Annotation between referrer and referrant NameUsages
NameUsageNode referrant en persistent ID reference to the NameUsage referred to by he referrer
NameUsageNode referrer en persistent ID reference to the NameUsage referring to the referrant
NamedObject en a housekeeping table shared by all exportable data objects
NamedObject _objectID en ID number of a named object unque in a database; unnecessary to be exportable to other databases nor unique over databases
NamedObject contributor en reference to the contributor ID who contributed the data object
NamedObject copyright en type of copyright to override the contributor's preference
NamedObject lastUpdate en date and time of data creation
NamedObject editable en true if the data is editable
NamedObject notes en any notes on the NamedObject
NamedObject objectType en subclass name of the NamedObject
NamedObject persistentID en a persistent identifier exportable to other data bases; the value must be determined by data contents
ParsedObject en list of object created by parsing relevant data objects
ParsedObject _parsedObject en reference to object ID of parsed Object which is an integration of relevant objects
ParsedObject _sourceObject en reference objects provided data to integrate the parsed object
ParsedObject note en any comment on the source object especially "status" of the object
ParsedObject parsedObject en reference to persistenet ID of the meta Object
ParsedObject sourceObject en reference to peresistent ID of an Object used to create the Object pointed by persistentID
Publication en retains Publication detail
Publication _objectID en object ID of the Publication as reference to NamedObject table
Publication accepted en accepted date if given
Publication affiliations en verbatim list of authors' affiliation
Publication authorNames en verbatim list of authors
Publication citationTitle en title of the publication to be appeared as citation information, e.g. journal title in case of articles
Publication contentsTitle en title of contents, e.g. title of article in a journal
Publication doi en doi string if the publication has one
Publication firstPage en page number where the publication started
Publication isbn en ISBN number if the publication is a book or a part of a book
Publication issn en ISSN number if the publication is a periodical or an article of a periodical
Publication issue en issue number in the volume, if given
Publication lastPage en page number where the publication ended
Publication persistentID en persistent ID of the Publication as reference to NamedObject table
Publication place en place of publication if relevant
Publication publicationType en type of publication, e.g. article in journal
Publication publisher en name of publisher if the publication is a book
Publication received en received date if given
Publication revised en revised date if given
Publication volume en volume number or string if the publication or journal has
Publication year en year of publication
Publication partOf en reference to a Publication containing the Publication as its part
Publication published en date of publication if given
Publication _publicationType en type of publication in publication type ID
Rank en ranks with linkage to higher or lower ranks
Rank ICBN en true if the rank is required by ICBN
Rank ICNB en true if the rank is required by ICNB
Rank ICNCP en true if the rank is required by ICNCP
Rank ICNV en true if the rank is required by ICNV
Rank ICZN en true if the rank is required by ICZN
Rank ID en ID number of the rank
Rank algal en true if the rank is used in algal convention
Rank bacteriological en true if the rank is used in bacteriolgical convention
Rank botanical en true if the rank is used in botanical convention
Rank equivalent en ID of the equivalent rank if specified
Rank fungous en true if the rank is used in fungal convention
Rank higher en ID of the higher rank if specified
Rank lower en ID of the lowerr rank if specified
Rank name en name of the rank in Codes
Rank optional en true if the rank is optional
Rank virological en true if the rank is used in virological convention
Rank zoological en true if the rank is used in zoological convention
tableExplanations en this table; list of explanations of tables and fields
tableExplanations explanation en explanation of the field or the table
tableExplanations fieldName en name of field in the table explained, or null if explanation on table itself
tableExplanations locale en language of explanation
tableExplanations tableName en name of table explained
tables en list of tables in this system
tables isNamedObjectClass en true if the table reprensets a class extending NamedObject class
tables tableName en name of table
tables tableType en type of the table, one of core, system, implementation or metatable
annotatants en ordered list of annotated NameUsages
annotatants _annotatant en reference to a NameUsage as an object ID to be related to the Annotation as an annotatant
annotatants _annotation en reference to an Annotation as an object ID to be related to the annotant, i.e. annotated NameUsage
annotatants annotatant en reference to a NameUsage as a persistent ID to be related to the Annotation as an annotatant
annotatants annotation en reference to an Annotation as a persistent ID to be related to the annotant, i.e. annotated NameUsage
annotatants sequence en sequence number in the NameUsages list referred to by the Annotation
annotators en ordered list of annotating NameUsages
annotators _annotation en reference to an Annotation as an object ID to be related to the annotator
annotators _annotator en reference to a NameUsage as an object ID to be related to the Annotation as an annotator
annotators annotation en reference to an Annotation as a persistent ID to be related to the annotator
annotators annotator en reference to a NameUsage as a persistent ID to be related to the Annotation as an annotator
annotators sequence en sequence number in the NameUsages list referring to the Annotation
authorPublication en ordered list of Authors of a publication
authorPublication _author en reference to the Author who wrote the publication, as an object ID
authorPublication author en reference to the Author who wrote the publication, as a persistent ID
authorPublication _publication en reference to the Publication as an object ID
authorPublication publication en reference to the Publication as a persistent ID
authorPublication sequence en sequence number of the author in the author list of the publication
contributor en detail of contributor
contributor _author en reference to an Author representing this contributor as an object ID
contributor author en reference to an Author representing this contributor as an persistent ID
contributor contributor en a unique string identifying the contributor, e.g. e-mail address
contributor copyright en default copyright of contributed data by this contributor
copyright en copyrights of known types
copyright URL en URL or URI of the copyright if available
copyright acronym en acronym of the copyright e.g. GPL. It must be unique. May be equal to copyright name
copyright copyright en copyright statement itself
copyright copyrightName en name of copyright. If it is OSI approved one, name used at OSI is preferred to. See
copyright notes en any notes on the copyright, e.g. originatator, history, difference from other copyright types
institutionHistory en history of institutions including re-organisation, movement
institutionHistory post en reference to an institution record after re-organisation, movement etc.]
institutionHistory prior en reference to an institution record before re-organisation, movement etc.
linkType en type of annotations
linkType annotatants en cardinality of NameUsages annotated with this type of linkage
linkType annotators en cardinality of NameUsages annotating with this type of linkage
linkType explanation en explanation of the link type
linkType linkType en type of Annotation, e.g. synonym
nameEnding en list of name endings used naming conventions
nameEnding ending en recommended ending of name
nameEnding namingConvention en naming convention, one of zoology, botany, algae, fungi, bacteriology or virology
nameEnding rank en reference to rank
nameUsageEntity en list of lowest taxa/specimen of the NameUsage; it may be implemented as a procedure
nameUsageEntity _nameUsage en reference to the NameUsage as an Obejct ID
nameUsageEntity _ostensiveMember en reference to a lowest NameUsage belonging to the NameUsage as object ID
nameUsageEntity nameUsage en reference to the NameUsage as an persistent ID
nameUsageEntity ostensiveMember en reference to a lowest NameUsage belonging to the NameUsage as persistent ID
rankNames en multilingual rank names
rankNames locale en language in which the rank name is used
rankNames rankID en reference to a rank record in rank table
rankNames rankName en rank name in the language
shelfmark en cross reference between Publication and shelfmark
shelfmark _publication en reference to Publication as object ID
shelfmark contributer en user name who deposited the data
shelfmark lastUpdate en when the data last updated
shelfmark library en reference to library, may be coded
shelfmark publication en reference to Publication as persistentID
shelfmark shlefmark en shelfmark of the publication in the library
pseudonym en alternative names list for authors
pseudonym _author en reference to an author representing this contributor as an object ID
pseudonym author en reference to an author representing this contributor as an persistent ID
pseudonym pseudonym en alternative names for authors, such as Kent for Saville Kent,, L. for Linneaus or OFM for Otto Fredrick Muller. Note that such abbreviation is recommended in the ICBN and is included in the Prometheus model.
publicationType en list of publicatoin types
publicationType publicationType en type of publication
publicationType _publicationType en type of publication in publication type ID
publicationFields publicationType en type of publication
publicationFields _publicationType en type of publication in publication type ID
publicationFields fieldName en field name in Publication used by the publication type